Thursday, May 3, 2012

In common...

Brandon Wyatt, May 3rd 2012

I think am more like Stanley from the book "Holes" because, for one, he is a guy, he is quite, and sometimes ge gets in trouble for something he didn't even do. He makes friends fast, he loves his family and doesn't like to disapoint them. He likes to make his family happy and I can aslo did a five bvy five hole if I tried hard enough to. He likes to make people laugh and would do anything to get out of any trouble, and he is also shy around other people when he first meets them. That is how I think I am like Stanley from the book "Holes". Like the time when he Hijacks  the truck when they are getting the water in there tins, while the man is distracted he tryes t ride off in it, but runs into a whole and he breaks the truck, and when he runs off to find his best friend, I would have probably of done that to if I was to be in that situation. And when they find the treasure, the adaults try to go and steal it as theres, but the kids fight for there right, and they take what is theres. Plus I also love shoes if they look cool! That is how me and Stanley are alot alike. I am always thirsty to, and I love water, and if I were hungry enough I would also eat onions to!

Monday, April 23, 2012

Strength and Weakness

 David makes his sister very mad in the book "Rules" but she has many strength and weaknesses. Cathrine has to put up with many of his troubles and she deals with them in ways sometimes in ways she isn't supposed to. She has a certain strength to wear she can put up with David and she is always trying to make him feel happy, when he thinks something is going to happen at that exact time, she tryes and puts up with it. A weakness she has is she always get's embarressed when her little brother David says something wrong in front of other people or doesn't follow a rule exactly right. Some weaknesses I have are:
getting yelled at, doing something wrong sometimes, hurting my little borther, and one more is I argue with my mom and dad on accident sometimes. Some strengths I have are that I am one of the most athletic people in my grade, I am kind, I'm not popular, but im also not a "nerd" either. I am friends with everyone that want's to be my friend and I show respect.

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Game Plan/Goal

Game Goal:                              Brandon

              G-Goal (I would like to keep my grades to B’s and higher at all time)

     A-To try hard in all classes and pay attention and find good ways to remember things that I have learned and I will ask good questions.
    M-I will study and be ready for tests and not waste any work time I have in   class for less home work.

Monday, February 20, 2012

5 Rules and things to make a better lyer out of yourself

1)If you tell a person one lie, don't go off and tell different lies to other people, then they will know you ARE lying.

2)If you get into to trouble and you do it again later just cause others are doing it, you are considered a bad child by adaults, even though you might not be a bad child.

3)If you are the best at something then go to another place such as school, church, etc, don't get all mad if your not the best anymore, just be there friend.

4)If you are over weight or skinny, whatever they call you, just call them the opposite.

5)If you ever end up losing a bet, be happy if it is your friend that one, you are around eachother all the time anyways with what they won in the bet.

Thursday, February 9, 2012

Valentine lesson

The lesson in my story is that you don't need to go out and buy Valentines your self, you can make them your self at home.

Valentines Lesson

by May G. Mooar
Arthur had a box of paints given him for Christmas, and he had learned to color pictures very prettily; so just as he was finishing the dress of a gorgeous Japanese lady such a happy thought came to him that he nearly spilled some yellow paint all over Miss Matsuki's gay pink dress, in his haste to find mother and tell her about it.
“I want to make my valentines all myself this year,” he exclaimed excitedly as soon as the yellow paint was safely back in the box, “for now I can paint. Why can't I paint some valentines, same's Aunt Frances did last year?”
“Why, I think you could, dear,” mother answered.
“'Course I don't mean I could make quite such lovely flowers as she did,” Arthur went on, “but I think it would be lots more fun to do it myself than to buy them.”
“So do I, Arthur,” mother said, “and I think if you look through those papers in the lower drawer you'll find some pictures to cut out that would make pretty valentines. Then you could color them with your paints and paste them on a sheet of note paper.”
“But, mother, don't valentines have some verses written on them besides the pictures? Aunt Frances' did. Where can I get those?”
“Perhaps I could write those for you,” mother laughed, “if I tried real hard.”
“Could you really write verses?” Arthur asked in round-eyed wonder. “Then we'll have some lovely valentines, won't we? I'll make one for you, and one for father, and Alice and John and Clifton and Barbara and oh, lots of folks.”
“Well, I guess you better get to work right away, if you've such a lot to do,” advised mother, “and I had better begin on the poetry.”
It was fun to find the pictures, for there were such a lot to select from, and by supper time Arthur had a nice pile all ready to paint next morning.
Two days before Valentine's day they were all done—prettily colored and pasted on note paper with a little verse that mother had written, printed in Arthur's very best writing.
“Aren't they bee-u-ti-ful,” he exclaimed as he laid them in a row on the dining-room table.
“They are very nice, dear,” mother said, “and which do you think are the prettiest ones?”
Arthur looked a long time at the row of little valentines and then he said, “These two.” One had a little curly-haired child carrying a big bunch of flowers in her hand, and the verse read:
“This bunch of roses I'm bringing,
Is a valentine for you,
To show that in storm or in sunshine
My love is always true.”
And the other valentine had a picture of two little boys carrying a big basket between them, and this was the little verse:
“What do you s'pose our basket holds?
Give guess one and two.
You'll never think, so I must tell:
It's full of love for you.”
“And to whom are you going to give the two prettiest ones?” asked mother.
An earnest look came into Arthur's eyes.
“I fought I'd send the little-girl one to that lame boy at the corner. I don't know him very well, but he looks kind of lonely, you said, mother. Don't you s'pose he'd like it?”
Mother nodded. “And who is to have the other?”
A little hand stole into mother's, and two brown eyes full of love were lifted to mother's face.
“That is for you,” he said.

Wednesday, February 1, 2012


 So far in the book " Bud, Not Buddy" , Bud has went into some problems already in the first two pages. His first problem is when he figures out he is going to get aopted by new foster parents, then he figures out his six year old firend is, to. But, they aren't going to the same foster home, so they are really sad.